Sunday, September 25, 2016

Pu-erh and oolong teas for weight loss your 1 key

For long years, Chinese teas have been considered as weight loss aide. In fact, drinking a cup of tea with every meal is considered a protocol for using tea successfully as a metabolic stimulant. As you may know, tea by itself carries only four calories per serving, and it is most healthy when taken with nothing added.

According to some experts, the Chinese weight loss teas are produced based on the belief that the caffeine in tea increases body function to help burn more calories. Also believed is that the tea contains polyphenols which seem to aid in the digestion of fat, truly making it a Chinese weight loss tea.

Generally, all types of Chinese tea are deemed great for weight loss. They all offer a low calorie alternative to commercial beverages. However, the Pu-erh and Oolong teas have received the most attention regarding weight loss. Let’s take a look at these two well-known Chinese weight loss teas.

Pu-erh Tea

Although green tea has gotten all the press, the pu-erh teas are finally being enjoyed in the West. This is because many have believed that pu-erh, which is also known as “medicinal tea” in China, merits a place among the tea shelves of Americans.

Some of the pu-erh tea trees are said to be ancient, the oldest known tree is more than 2000 years old. Well, these trees are believed to be an older variety of the modern, being a smaller leafed tea bush. The leaves of this variety are processed differently than green tea leaves. They are usually oxidized similar to that of the oolong tea, but not as long as black tea. What happens is that the leaves are dried loose or compressed into tea bricks, tea cakes or Tuochas that look like a bird nests. Well, for some people this Chinese weight loss tea in this state is a unique visual experience. Some of the tea cakes have been aged in caves just to develop their earthly flavor.

What makes pu-erh great for weight loss is that it helps to decrease blood cholesterol levels and improves fats metabolism. Also, it is thought that the unique double fermentation done with this acclaimed Chinese weight loss tea may create special enzymes and microbes that provide the body micronutrients essential for well-being.

Furthermore, one cup of pu-erh tea with each meal has shown to stimulate weight loss. It is said to balance the body’s systems and stimulate a more functional metabolism.

Oolong Tea

The Oolong tea is but a well-known variety of semi-fermented or oxidized tea. It is particularly noted for its flowery and intense qualities. Accordingly, the Oolong ranges from bright green and slightly fermented to dark-leafed and hearty. It is dried fully, locking in the rich flavors that this Chinese weight loss tea is known to offer. It is actually this unique drying process which allows oolong to possess a number of stimulating attributes and can be applied for weight management in addition to a well-balanced diet.

As mentioned, pu-erh and oolong teas are just two of the well-known Chinese weight loss teas. Aside from green tea, black tea, compressed tea, and other varieties, these two kinds are now highly available for those who wish to attain weight loss and better health.

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