Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The blessing of the present moment

At each moment in our daily lives, we have an unprecedented opportunity. Generations before us did not have this blessing of spiritual awareness that is available today. Humanity as a whole is awakening, and we are actively participating in this process even if we are not consciously aware of it.

One of the simplest and most profound of spiritual teachings asks us to be in the present moment. This is an ancient teaching, and today has even greater meaning. With the advent of global telecommunication, daily life can be full or even stretched to capacity with communication, tasks and events to deal with. How then are we to remain centered, guided spiritually, and present to God's love in the midst of such a rapidly changing landscape?

Today's meditation practice can no longer be separated from the events of daily life. The serious nature of the times we live in now requires us to be fully in life, and present to address the many challenges we all face. Though it continues to be helpful to consciously set aside a few minutes of silent, contemplative time each day, our lives are asking that we carry this contemplative awareness more fully into our daily lives.

A regular meditation or prayer practice trains the mind and the body to create space around habitual and reactive mental patterns that keep us separate from God's love. Meditation is profoundly useful for purification and freeing oneself from negative of self defeating patterns. Even five minutes a day of meditation can refresh the body, mind and spirit, and can even transform difficult experiences.

To take this one step further, allow your entire day to be a meditation and a prayer. This is not meant as drudgery but as joyful freedom. How do you do such a thing? It starts simply with awareness first, and the intention that you become closer to God throughout your day.

Today, as you go about the affairs of your daily life, notice how God is guiding you. What thoughts and feelings are present within you? What events come into your day unexpectedly? What challenges do you face? How do you respond to your fellow souls that share this Earth with you? Notice the opportunities God offers to share love with others. Do you joyfully embrace these opportunities, or turn a deaf ear because you are busy with other things?

Each day and each moment is a spiritual teaching. God is constantly revealing how we can love more, how we can learn more about ourselves and the Divine. God speaks in each moment, even if we do not think we can hear. The voice of spirit lives within our bodies, our hearts, our minds and our consciousness. Each day is a blessing that is given to us freely. What we do with this blessing has a profound impact on the others around us, on our loved ones, families, friends, and the larger network of human consciousness that we are a part of.

The Earth herself benefits from the blessings that we share through being fully present our daily lives. The vibration of love that opens when we attune to God creates a healing presence that affects the physical and energy bodies of the Earth, and offers support during this very difficult time when so much is changing on a planetary level. Give yourself blessings, praise and love each time you breathe and take a moment to attune spiritually in the midst of your busy day. By full embracing the blessing of the present moment, you are helping your fellow human beings as well as yourself.

A primer on bradley vs. lamaze childbirth methods

The Bradley method of childbirth was developed in the 1940's by Dr. Robert A. Bradley, an American Obstetrician. It is based on the philosophy of 'natural childbirth' (drug free) and was pioneering in the involvement of fathers during the birthing process.

The Lamaze technique was also established in the 1940's by Dr. Fernand Lamaze, a French Obstetrician. Lamaze was influenced by Soviet childbirth practices and he particularly endorsed the role of Midwives during labor. His method began to gain popularity in the USA in the late 1950's and is now the most commonly used childbirth technique.

While both the Lamaze and Bradley techniques lead to the same outcome, they differ in a variety of ways. The most significant contrast between these birthing methods is the issue of pain management and how parents confront this challenge. But what do these two methods reveal and how do they differ?

The Bradley Technique

The Bradley Method is a twelve week course that teaches parents how to control the pain of childbirth. It advocates natural childbirth philosophies and is also called 'the husband coached' birthing technique. It encourages parents to use deep breathing and relaxation exercises as a means of coping with labor.

The Bradley approach rejects the idea of 'distraction' as a way of dealing with childbirth and disputes the use of painkillers and cesarean sections unless absolutely necessary.

However, classes that focus on the Bradley technique do prepare parents for unexpected complications which may result in a cesarean section or other forms of intervention. His methods also include advice on nutrition and diet for the Mother during her pregnancy, which inevitably has a positive effect on the growth and wellbeing of the fetus. The expectant Mother is always encouraged to take reasonable and regular exercise, so that she is properly conditioned to give birth.

The Bradley Technique also educates parents about the different stages of labor and teaches them how to react to the Mother's changing body. The Father is assigned the role of 'Coach' during the birthing process, keeping the Mother focused on the task at hand, helping with breathing exercises and giving plenty of reassurance. Different forms of massage can also be used.

The Lamaze Technique

The Lamaze Technique uses a Pavlovian response to the pain of childbirth. Lamaze believed that giving birth was a physical exercise that requires both energy and concentration. His method focuses on arming the expectant couple with various tools to ease discomfort and conserve energy in order to control pain as it occurs.

The Lamaze Technique encourages the couple to use deep breathing exercises and various 'distraction' techniques, which can include concentrating on pleasant memories, as a way of distracting the woman from the pain of labor.

Lamaze childbirth classes often recommend the benefits associated with changing positions during the birth, as well as the use of hot and cold packs and 'birthing balls' to ease contractions.

The Lamaze Philosophy is not as regimented as the Bradley Method. It gives parents all the facts, yet allows the couple leverage to use the information in ways that work for them. It's more liberal approach offers a neutral position with regards to pain medication along with other medical and surgical options. This is left for the couple to decide.


There are many subtle differences and similarities between the Bradley and Lamaze birthing techniques. The primary difference is that the Bradley method instructs women to focus on controlling their pain. While according to the Lamaze technique, they are taught to distract from it. Similarities include the use of deep breathing techniques, the encouragement of appropriate exercise for the Mother during her pregnancy, and the involvement of both parents in the birthing process.

For expectant families the best option is to gather as much information as possible from either their Obstetrician or Midwife, before making a firm decision on which childbirth class to attend. It is always preferable to choose the birthing method that most appeals to each, individual couple, as it will allow them to feel in control and therefore experience the form of childbirth which best suits their needs.

Gratitude - top ten reasons to adopt the law of gratitude

What would your day be like if you started and ended it by simply noticing all that you have in your life? If you count all your assets, you always show a profit. Gratitude is a natural high.

When you live in tandem with your spirit, appreciating all of life and what you have, you discover more joy and kindness in the world. Miracles happen everywhere all the time, but only those with an “Attitude of Gratitude” seem to notice them. This circle of peace grows and you return to your natural state of joy, love and peace, knowing you are whole and complete just as you are.

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent

of all the others.” ~ Cicero

The following is a list of the top ten reasons to adopt the Law of Gratitude in your life:

One. Being in Gratitude Only Has Positive Side Effects.

Positive emotions make you feel good and offer a sense of comfort. When we take a few moments to express our appreciation inwardly or to another, immediately we begin to feel happier, more relaxed, more optimistic.

Two. Feelings of Gratitude Provide Short-Cuts to Miracles.

Negative thoughts and feelings create an interruption in the natural flow of life. When you are feeling positive and grateful you accelerate what it is that you desire. Consciously appreciating what you already have is the short-cut to manifestation and the secret to personal fulfillment.

Three. Thoughts of Gratitude Flood Your Body with Immune-Boosting Endorphins.

Studies also provide evidence that a positive, appreciative attitude enhances the body’s healing system and general health. When you hold feelings of thankfulness for at least 15 to 20 seconds, beneficial physiological changes take place in your body. Levels of the stress hormones cortisol and norepinephrine decrease, producing a cascade of beneficial metabolic changes. Coronary arteries relax, thus increasing the blood supply to your heart. And your breathing becomes deeper, raising the oxygen level of your tissues.

Four. Feeling Grateful Puts you Back into the ‘Flow of Life’ at the Speed of Thought.

Thoughts create things. If you are feeling and thinking positive thoughts, you create positive situations. You draw positive people to you. Like attracts like.

Five. Gratitude Unlocks the Fullness of Life.

Feelings of gratitude turn what you have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast or a house into a home. Gratitude makes sense of your past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Six. Feelings of Gratitude Give You a ‘Natural High’.

Grateful people tend to be more optimistic, a characteristic that researchers say boosts the immune system. Studies indicate that daily gratitude exercises result in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy. Grateful people experience less depression and stress, are more likely to help others, exercise regularly and tend to make more progress toward personal goals. People who feel grateful are also more likely to feel loved.

Seven. Gratitude Provides an Immediate Sense of Well-Being.

Gratitude, it turns out, can help us better manage stress. Gratitude research is beginning to suggest that feelings of thankfulness have tremendous positive value in helping people cope with daily problems, especially stress.

Eight. Feeling Grateful is the Main Cause of ‘Sustained Joy’.

Focusing on the gifts one has been given is an antidote to envy, resentment, regret and other negative states that undermine long-term happiness. Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.

Nine. The More You Give—The More You Receive.

You always get more of whatever you appreciate. When you express love, gratitude and sincere appreciation, you naturally expand. Consciously appreciating what you already have is the short-cut to manifestation and the secret to personal fulfillment. The more you assist others, the more you will assist yourself.

Ten. When You Are Genuinely Thankful Anger and Fear Disappear.

One of the incredible truths about gratitude is that it is impossible to feel both the positive emotion of thankfulness and a negative emotion such as anger or fear at the same time.

To Practice This Thought:

• Be lavish in your gratefulness.

• Make gratitude a daily ritual.

• Be thankful for whatever

forces you to deal with your own strong emotions.

• Set aside an hour or two to do nothing much except be grateful.

Focus on what is working in your life and what IS right in the world. It doesn’t matter how small or seemingly insignificant it may be. Before long you will notice that more things will fall into place with little or no effort on your part. Gratitude is a wonderful tool to use to feel good fast.

Amirah © 2006 All Rights Reserved.

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

How to identify a good golf school

A successful golf career requires a good education, plenty of proven experience, or both. In this respect, the golf industry is just like any other industry. Choosing a good golf school might not seem as easy as it is to identify a good four-year college, because there are fewer word-of-mouth reviews about them. Here are some tips for taking control and making sure you choose the school that will give you the best education you can get.

Ask employers in the golf industry. Large golf establishments, such as facilities and resorts, know which schools produce the best graduates. If you don’t yet have a golf school in mind, ask a few employers in your area which schools they prefer seeing on applicants’ resumes. If you are considering a few different golf schools already, ask employers which school they would prefer to see on your resume.

Ask about the school’s curriculum. Different golf schools tend to offer different courses in their degree programs. Compare the programs from different schools. It is important that you receive as well rounded an education in the golf industry as possible, so choose the school that covers the most ground with its curriculum.

Ask what standards the school uses in employing its instructors. A golf school that employs anyone who can wield a golf club probably won’t be able to offer you a high quality education. On the other hand, a golf school that only hires educated, experienced instructors most likely has what it takes to help you launch your career.

Ask how the school helps its students gain work experience prior to graduation. A good golf school should have some sort of internship program, or at least be able to help its students find part-time work in the field while they are in school. Having on-the-job training to go with your degree will help you find a job more quickly and easily after graduation. With the proper work experience, you might even be able to get a better job than you would otherwise.

Ask about the school’s classroom equipment and training technology. This is a good question to ask during a tour of the campus. A good golf school will be proud to show you its state-of-the-art facilities. Learning on the newest and best equipment and technology ensures that you will be up-to-date when you enter the work force.

Ask what kinds of student services and amenities the school offers. Student amenities can range from health insurance and student housing, to internship programs and job placement assistance, so make sure you know what you need before asking this question. However, the best golf schools will have the resources to offer students a variety of services.

Ask if the school offers job placement assistance. Entering the work force after graduation can be one of the most difficult parts of launching a new career. Along with the normal anxieties and insecurities involved in searching for a job, there is the unfamiliarity with the field that new graduates often have. A decent golf school will offer resume writing help, but a really good school will also provide listings of job openings and maintain relationships with local businesses.

Asking these questions will help you eliminate golf schools that are less favorable, and hopefully enable you to launch a successful career. An education is the most important step on the path to success, so be sure to choose wisely.

Climbing is an invigorating sport

Climbing is a competitive sport that requires people to be in good physical and mental condition. The rugged terrains that are often encountered while out rock climbing in the wild, have the tendency to test a person's endurance levels past anything they have experienced before in their life. Rock climbing leaves people with a heightened sense of awareness and a greater appreciation for the outdoors.

They learn to enhance their self-esteem just by completing simple climbs that to a professional might seem boring, but once they have conquered that small task, they have built up confidence in their own abilities. While they are testing those abilities during the various stages of their training, they are also becoming more familiar with the equipment that could very well save their life one day. Every climber will gain experience and learn from everything they do that involves rock climbing.

People will get so stimulated by climbing rocks that they will choose to participate in rock climbing competitions to achieve more thrills. There are rock-climbing courses that are fashioned for beginners in the sport, and others will meet the needs of climbers who have perfected their talents to the intermediate and advanced levels. A person can achieve a good sense of well-being from just completing one course in the competitions and the true winners will be the ones who had the courage to sign-up in the first place. Some people learn a lot about themselves and others while participating in climbing competitions.

Climbing is a sport that grows on a person. It is certainly not something that is done without prior planning or thorough training. One of the first things that climbers will learn is that they never climb alone because beautiful scenery up in the mountains is meant to be shared by family and friends. Some families get interested in climbing when they go on whitewater rafting trips and see people climbing rocks above them along the river's path.

Some people do not have the discipline it takes to enjoy rock climbing on a continual basis. These are the people who are not wiling to listen to experienced climbers and think that they can accomplish a rock climb without having the necessary techniques under their belt to do it successfully. These people are the ones that guides have trouble managing and will not ever take up a mountain again until they display considerable progress on being able to work as a team member while climbing.

Rock climbing can be an invigorating but dangerous sport. Every member of a rock climbing group must have their wits and sensibilities about them at all times. Mistakes can cost people their lives and climbers who are not ready for various tasks should be comfortable with letting others know about it without just automatically doing it to save face in front of friends. No two climbers will see things alike and being an individual is still an important feature of climbing even if the person is in a group.

Steps to manage your small business credit card

Business credit card is the most popular form of credit card available and since the receiving end of credit is always a pleasure business credit card increase this pleasure that meet your business needs. Small business card provides various intangible benefits to small businesses in addition to the regular perks.

Effective small business credit card management
1. Apply at home
You should always apply for your small business credit card at your existing financial institution because your banking relationship can help you in the approval process. So when you need to have a line of credit you will have an established relationship with your lender that could help you with credit applications over $100,000 not using automated scoring systems.

2. Limited card hopping
If you sign up for multiple credit cards to get the advantage of deals this could leave a negative impact on your credit rating and shall make your credit card management even more difficult.

3. Make use of grace
Most of the small business credit cards offer 21 day grace period before they ask you to make payment on your purchases. You can improve your cash flow using a credit card instead of checks because a new check 21 act creates quicker clearance of checks.

4. Online payment
If you make online payment of your small business credit card, it will save your time and any extra costs involved as would be the case when you pay at your local branch or through mailing your payment.

5. No cash advance
You need to reduce your credit card fees and interest costs by not using the cash advance feature on your card. Cash advances incur more fees and costs and therefore you can use your business account debit whenever you require immediate funds.

6. Don’t make late payments
You should avoid late fees and high interest rates that can erode the advantages of using your small business credit cards quickly. Try to be responsible by paying off your business credit each month.

Always treat your business credit card ownership as a privilege and you can avoid the disastrous effect of credit card mismanagement. Visit our recommended website credit-card-debt-consolidation-guide. info

Comparing home insurance

Mortgage or home insurance is important. When you take out your loan your lender may had attached PMI coverage for your home. This is only a security blanket for the lender. You want to find a policy that benefits the lender as well as you.

You can find home insurance on the market that offers both you and your lender a security blanket. Some home insurance plans will protect your home in the event natural disasters occur. When you own a home, since this is a large investment you want to find a policy that will cover:

Natural disaster, such as fire, theft, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc, and any damage from vandalism, or unnatural disasters;

Insurance may include liability. This is a good idea, since if someone is hurt on your property you want to make sure that you have an insurance policy that will cover any medical, mental damage, legal coverage and so on.

Some of the home insurance policy also has life insurance. Life insurance will cover you in the event if you die. Some insurance policies will pay burial and cover your mortgage. This is a great insurance, since you do not leave the burden of finances on your loved ones.

You may want to inquire about wind damage insurance. Many companies will not offer this plan, since it is an act of God. Some companies will offer the coverage however, yet you have to purchase the coverage separately.

You want to make sure that your belongings are covered. Rather than spend a fortune out of your pocket to replace your furniture, equipment, electronics, etc get coverage that will offer you a backup plan in the event disaster occurs.

Most plans offer some sort of protection for your belongings. How much you pay in premiums and deductibles determines in most instances how much the insurance company will pay.

When you take out insurance coverage, make sure that you inquire or find out how soon the insurance company wills payout on life insurance, home insurance, etc. Some companies will take longer than others will to payout on repairs, burial, et cetera. You want to avoid these companies, rather choose a company that will not take up your time.

Take some time to explore insurance plans, policy, stipulations, clauses, premiums, deductibles and so on when searching for home insurance. Use the quote systems online to compare companies, policy, and cost and so on.

You have many options with insurance, so go online and check out the variety of packages and plans. Don't forget you can get your premiums lowered by agreeing to pay higher deductibles. If you agree to pay $1000 out of your pocket for example, your premiums may go down a certain percentage, depending on the company.

Reclaiming your inner child

Remember when you were a child. Everyday seemed to be an adventured filled with laughter and giggles. There was humor all around us. Children laugh 400 times a day up to 4 years old, while adults laugh 15 times a day. Unfortunately, the cares of life weight most of us down. We turn to alcohol, sex and drugs to relive that silly time of our lives. We can reclaim our inner child without the pain of sex, drugs and alcohol.

How does one reclaim their inner child??? First by realizing it is ok to step outside of our sophisticated selves and play. Given our career image, we must uphold it is hard to just play. We develop sophisticated hobbies such as golf, sailing tennis and horseback riding, but do we just wrestle and play? Playtime and laughter keeps us young and joyful. We need play to escape stress, heart attacks and strokes.

Our lack of play explains why Halloween has become the second largest holiday after Christmas. It is one of the few days where it is socially acceptable to dress up in a costume and become whom ever we choose. We can be Spiderman, a gangster, a witch, a bar maid or a goblin all day without strange looks. We can role play and laugh at others who role play with joy and glee. For one day, we can gallivant throughout the neighborhood with the children and grandchildren collecting treats or delivering tricks. We can party and dance all night in our new role. We can play make believe again. It is our day to be a child again.

Let your playtime begin this Halloween. But don’t stop there. Reclaim your inner child at least once a month all throughout the year. The quality of your life and your health will truly improve as your laughter and play grows.


Reasons To Breast Feed

For many years, scientists have been playing out

the ingredients that make breast milk the perfect

food for babies. They've discovered to day over

200 close compounds to fight infection, help the

immune system mature, aid in digestion, and support

brain growth - nature made properties that science

simply cannot copy.

The important long term benefits of breast feeding

include reduced risk of asthma, allergies, obesity,

and some forms of childhood cancer. The more that

scientists continue to learn, the better breast

milk looks.

In addition to making your baby healthier, breast

feeding may also make him smarter. Many studies

have proved that breast fed babies tend to be

more smarter than babies who were fed with formula

or other methods. Breast feeding does help with

nutrients and the support of brain growth, which

is something every mother should think about.

The benefits for the nursing mom are just as

good as they are for the baby. The hormones that

are released during breast feeding will curb

blood loss post delivery and help to shrink the

uterus back to it's normal size.

Long term, the breast feeding mom will have a

lower risk for premenopausal breast cancer,

which is the kind that strikes before the age

of 50. The benefits will begin to show with

three to six months of breast feeding and increase

the longer that breast feeding continues.

By now, you should realize that breast milk is

one power packed liquid. It offers more for your

baby than formula, or any other scientific

creation for that matter. As you begin to plan

for the future of your baby, make a commitment

to breast feeding him for as long as you possibly

can - as it will do both your bodies good.

(word count 293)


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Low cost web hosting is it worth

Congratulations! Just finished your first website? So this is the high time to look for hosting providers of varied nature. You may crack your head whether to go for free or paid hosting or low cost web hosting. Let’s have some discussion on these aspects.

Although free web hosting is offered at no cost, most of the webmasters are opting for either paid or low cost web hosting. This low cost web hosting can be obtained by shared web hosting. This is the cheapest of all the forms of hosting.

If you opt for free web host, the service provider will usually display their banners on the top of all of your pages. If you want to lift the banners you need to pay minimal amount or upgrade to some of the paid hosting plans.

Low cost web hosting provides you with a lot of features which enables you to create your dream website at minimal cost. If you’re a student, simply purchase a low cost package. Here you can experiment your SEO or web designing skills before launching a perfect website.

Even you can opt for Yahoo personal website that provides you with a lot of features for low cost and even free. The main limitation with this type of hosting is the minimal number of e-mail accounts provided with the package. You need to perform online research on this aspect if you require more email accounts.

Most of the cheap webhosts offers free setup but minimal disk space. Hence check with the provider for the MB of space. If you seek help of the low cost web hosting then uptime of the server should also be checked for uninterrupted service.

Even you can add few sub domains as some of the low cost companies provides this facility. If you want to measure their service, just unearth the number of customers they have. A perfect company provides more number of customers.

In addition to this, the low cost provider should offer 24 hour technical and customer support. You can knock the door of the customer service at any time to sort out any problem that you face during hosting your website.

Bandwidth (data transfer) is also limited. Always select the provider with higher bandwidth to get many users to critique your site. Initially you can sign up for 100 MB bandwidth also!

Many cheap web hosting companies provides free databases including MySQL. For other databases like MS SQL you need to choose some windows hosting package.

The main three advantages of low cost web hosting are:

1. Reseller hosting benefits

2. Minimal overhead costs with cheap web hosting service

3. You save money for now and for the future

You can also get Frontpage extensions, web file manager (which can be used instead of FTP), webmail (good if you need to check your email account from another computer) and website builder tools.

Your requirement list should be prepared before choosing a provider. You can seek the help of the Internet to look out for reliable host. This kind of low cost web hosting is the best option to go for the first timers.

College engine scholarship search

Getting the Best Financial Assistance through College Scholarship Search Engine

College education is not as simple as it was before. In fact, the cost of studying in college nowadays is becoming quite expensive, considering that there are now additional fees to be taken cared of. Aside from the tuition fees, you have the laboratory fees, college-bound books that should be purchased within the school premises, and other miscellaneous fees (for dental health, for instance). Add to it the cost of board and lodging as well as the food expenses if you decide to study in a college or university situated on other states.

If your family is financially-strapped that even your basic needs are not fully met, it will be a hard time for you to convince your parents to allow you to study in college. Getting a college degree will just remain to be one of your wildest dreams forever—not unless you do something to realize such dream.

You may seek some part-time work so that you will have sufficient funds to finance your college education. However, this type of action will certainly have an adverse effect in your studies, especially if you cannot guarantee that you can handle your part-time work and your college studies at the same time. Thus, it is not an ideal option for a student who opts to study without any important interference, such as a part-time work.

Fortunately, there is still an available and at the same time an ideal option for you. That is, to get yourself a college scholarship.

Your college scholarship will help you finance your college studies and obtain the degree that you want. There are different types of college scholarships that are intended for a specific college degree, whether you decide to pursue a commerce or an engineering career someday. Furthermore, these college scholarships have sufficient funding—either from the federal and state government, colleges and universities, or private institutions—to assure that every scholar will finish their respective degrees without any delay with regards to the financial aspect.

The great thing about a college scholarship is that you are not required to reimburse the expenses that you have incurred during your college years. The funds are allocated for you as if these are your own funds. It is advantageous for students who wants to earn a college degree yet does not have the necessary financial capabilities to do so, compared to other forms of financial assistance such as college loans or federal loans.

At this point, you are probably worrying about where to find these college scholarships that are available. You need not worry; for the Internet is now flooded with college scholarships search engines. This special type of online-based search engine is an online directory of different types of college scholarships, together with the name of the sponsor and their contact phone numbers. If you are lucky in your search in a single college scholarship search engine, you will be provided with the qualifications to be eligible for that scholarship. Thus, through this search engine, you will be able to come up with the college scholarship that will suit your specific college needs.

With these college scholarship search engines, you will have the golden opportunity of getting the degree that you want despite the financial difficulties that you are experiencing. Use this one-of-a-kind advantage and see the results—you may just find yourself with other aspiring college freshman falling in line to pay for tuition fees.

Stock market strategies for investors

Investors can use a number of strategies to invest in the stock market. To begin with, they need to analyze market trends, learn about the market in which the companies they are interested in operate, and purchase shares at an appropriate time.

Usually, good companies announce their profits, or their status in the market, at certain times of the year. The prices of their shares tend to increase before such announcements are made. Therefore, investors need to watch out for these periods, and not purchase shares at this time. In other words, it is important to wait for the right ‘Market Timing’ for trading in shares. Some basic stock market strategies for investors are listed below: -

Make a well-planned investment portfolio that satisfies a particular level of risk tolerance.

Keep reviewing and updating the investment portfolio to keep up with market trends.

The technical analysis of stocks helps in gaining better knowledge about a company: its profits, its market capitalization, and its future growth prospects. Equally important is to be able to understand and apply the quantitative measures of the stock market.

Since investing in the stock market is complex, inexperienced investors should always seek help from financial advisors and stock market analysts before committing themselves and their money.

The motto being “Buy Low and Sell High”, always buy shares when their prices are low, and sell them when the price goes up.

Invest intelligently. A sharp sense of the market, along with a good knowledge of the company you plan to invest in, helps in making better investment decisions. Investors should thoroughly research the market in which the chosen company operates.

Long-term vision and planning is vital. Investors should evaluate their capital strength, and set their tolerance limits, before investing in a company. This means, knowing when to hold on to the shares, and when to quit.

It is generally advised to devise and apply an exit strategy cautiously. Investors can make their exit when they have gained good returns over a certain period.

The returns gained from selling the shares of a company can be re-invested in some other, promising higher profits.

Investors should also set their tolerance limit for the amount of loss that they are ready to bear when the market is down. They can exit when their losses approach or cross this predetermined limit. This strategy of limiting the amount of loss an investor can withstand is commonly known as “Stop Loss Limit”.

Another strategy investors can follow is to ‘Buy and Change Frequently’. Market research shows that every company has some limit on the expected gains from their shares. Investors can therefore move out of a stock when they have achieved maximum returns from shares accordingly. It is important to invest in a variety of companies to withstand the losses of a few.

The objective of any investment is to maximize returns while minimizing risks. Diversification helps in maximizing returns from investments in stocks and bonds by managing risks better. Investors ought to distribute their investments across several categories like foreign securities and mutual funds to be on the safe side, and in the process enjoy good returns.

Steaming in with espresso machine tips

So what exactly is espresso coffee? An espresso coffee is sold at the cafй in a small cup and is an extremely strong cup of coffee. Espresso is used in making cafй latte, cappuccino and cafй mocha. Espresso is made in the espresso machine by forcing about two ounces of hot water through tightly packed finely ground espresso coffee. The resulting liquid is a deep brown color with a slight froth on top. Espresso makers differ in the water temperatures, the fineness of the espresso coffee, the pressure with which the water is pressed through the coffee and how tightly the coffee grinds are packed in the machine.

There are many different types of espresso machines available in the market place today in different sizes, styles and abilities. Just like any other appliance it is important to do your homework before venturing out on your shopping excursion. Start by asking yourself how often will you use your espresso machine, what will you be using your machine for, how much are your willing to spend and are you willing to trade quality for price.

If you rarely partake in the espresso ritual and prefer an occasional cappuccino or latte, then don’t spend too much money on your machine. If you are a coffee enthusiast and have acquired a preference for espresso taste then a high end espresso machine is worth the investment. An espresso coffee machine doubles as both a coffee maker and espresso maker. If you have limited counter space and like the best of both worlds this machine gives you that option. Diligently compare espresso machines and find one with features that suit your particular need.

Do your homework before heading out. Make sure to read espresso machine reviews. These unbiased consumer reviews give valuable consumer insights. There are many places to purchase your home style espresso machine; kitchen supply stores, department store home sections, catalogues and online vendors. Make sure you purchase a machine that matches your level of expertise. Making espressos is considered an art with a professional espresso maker being referred to as a Barista. Being an espresso barista in some countries is considered a serious occupation requiring occupational training. Baristas learn and practice making a consistently high quality shot of espresso. They learn how to grind the perfect espresso coffee, how to pack the coffee right and how to operate the commercial espresso maker. Being a home espresso maker however does not require that you take Barista training. Home style espresso machines are simplified versions of the more complex cafй style espresso maker.

Once you have purchased your espresso machine remember to purchase the accessories that make the espresso/cappuccino experience more enjoyable. There are special espresso cups and spoons and espresso machine cleaning brushes and detergents that can be purchased from different vendors online. It is important to care for your espresso machine as recommended by the manufacturer for the machine to last longer producing delicious tasting espresso each time.

Increase metabolism to lose weight

Metabolic Rate refers to the rate one expends calories in a given period of time. Essentially, it is the rate by which we expend energy through the chemical breakdown of “burning calories“. Not only do we spend calories during periods of work and during exercise, we also burn calories at rest simply to keep our cells alive. This is a vial point to understand! What I am referring to is known as the “Basil“, or resting, metabolic rate. In fact, you burn more during your ‘resting hours’ than you do during periods of exercise! For example, one hours worth of tennis or basketball could burn about 600 or so calories. One hour at rest may burn only 90 or so. But you might only play one hours worth of tennis three or four times a week, while your resting metabolic rate is what you burn 24/7. It is easy to see that 90 times 24 times 7 is significantly greater than 600 times 4. (90 * 24 * 7 = 15120 vs. 600 * 4 = 2400). The point I am making is not that exercise is useless, it is the importance of the bazil metabolic rate in determining the caloric balances within an individual.

Balance in caloric levels is the whole point in weight control. The basic calculus is simple: calories in / calories out. The amount of calories consumed should approximate the number of calories burned for a caloric balance in maintaining weight levels. For weight loss calories in must be less than calories expended. This is a very obvious, even simplistic point, but you need to have a clear focus on that basic truth. We simply have to reduce our intake (in a healthy way) while we simultaneously increase our output. The reduction of intake through a healthy diet is the subject of a future article. This article focuses on the expenditure of calories as a tool of weight control and weight loss. The main weakness of many weight loss programs, even the good ones, is that they do not stress the importance of exercise. The main goal in weight loss ought to be the improvement of one’s health and well-being; not merely upon a more superficial look into the mirror! In fact: you CANNOT be healthy without exercise!

A very powerful tool in regard to weight loss is the manipulation of the resting or Basil metabolic rate. This rate does vary between individuals and even within a single individual from time to time. Size and age are important factors, which account for differences in metabolic rate between individuals. Another very important factor in influencing resting metabolic rate is the physical condition of the individual. Why this is true is a little too technical to fully explain here, but suffice to say that it has a lot to do with how your body is able to efficiently utilize oxygen in the chemical breakdown of sugar molecules in the process we simply call “metabolism”. If we can enhance the efficiency in which this oxygen is utilized, we can thereby increase resting metabolic rate. A different, and simpler way of looking at this is in the understanding that the human body in its miraculous design is amazingly adaptive. Push the body to habitually utilize more oxygen, push the body to habituate to burning energy at greater levels and the body will adapt to do so. What this all adds up to is the ability to increase the resting metabolic rate. This again is the rate which we burn calories 24/7, 365 days a year. We burn calories even at sleep. The idea is that even a small increase in the hourly rate of caloric expenditure will add up in time to real and permanent weight loss.

Of course, bearing in mind that the increase in caloric expenditure cannot be offset by an increase in intake. Calories consumed must be less than calories expend in order to create a caloric deficit that will translate to weight loss. The topic of exactly how to diet in a healthy way will be dealt with at length in a future article (I hope you will look for it). For now just understand that you actually need to create an imbalance of calories: calories in < calories out.

Resting Metabolic Rate can be increased, and such an increase when coupled with healthy dieting will lead to a healthy weight loss. Because it includes exercise as a necessary component, such a method will be among the Healthiest plans you will ever come across!

The way to increase resting metabolic rate, very simply stated is though aerobic conditioning. This is of course the same as what some people refer to as Cardio exercise. You should exercise at a sufficient intensity to reach about 80% or your “maximum heart rate“. Don’t let this term scare you! To find maximum heart rate, take your age - 220 = “Maximum Heart Rate”. Now find 80% of your Maximum. This becomes your “Target Heart Rate”

A NOTE OF CAUTION: If you are very overweight or over forty, use a healthy dose of common sense. Please don’t kill yourself!!!! If you are much older, you might consult a doctor before beginning a strenuous program. Even if you are younger and in fair shape, gradually work up to this over a few weeks time. At least in the first few weeks, don’t push too hard! This program will SURELY work if you follow it correctly, but please don’t go overboard and kill yourself trying to drop a few pounds! The #1 goal should always be good health. This is well above that of looking good in a mirror! Actually, when you take good care of yourself, through good exercise, proper diet and other healthy habits; everything should fall into place. You will be healthy, feel more energetic, look better, sexier, think clearer, and have a better sex life - the subject of a future article!

For the first week or two slowly condition yourself to program. Begin with a five-minute warm-up of simple walking. Then build to a heart rate of about 60%. If you opt for playing sports rather than running on a treadmill in a gym, just try to go a moderate pace to gradually condition yourself to where you want to be. When you are at the point where you can exercise to the full, then you still should begin with a warm-up of about 5 minutes. Some pre-exercise stretches can both help to warm the muscles up and prevent injury. After a five-minute warm-up, get your heart rate up to your target rate; hold it in that range for 20 to 30 minutes. Begin at lower levels and build over several weeks toward the 60-minute range, Do this initially at three times a week. Build to four. Then to five if your schedule allows. I do understand that many people have busy schedules but you must at least find time for three to four sessions if you want to gain the benefits of the program.

Over the period of several weeks you will find your energy and stamina improving dramatically. Remember, energy = the burning of calories. Therefore, if you are more energetic throughout the day, as you certainly will be, then just as certainly it means that your metabolic rate has been increased. This can be a very powerful tool in weight control! Again, watch the caloric intake as well! Eat healthy, but keep the calories down. Before long you will notice the benefits on the bathroom scale! Weight will come down as body fat is reduced. More importantly, your general state of health and well-being will be significantly enhanced! You’ll have more energy than you have experienced for years, and will even experience a sharper mental focus as well.

I truly hope that this article will influence your life for the better. I do know what I am talking about; however, I have no claim to absolute knowledge. Certainly there can be informed disagreement with some of the points I have expressed and the more knowledgeable among you may feel that I have only scratched the surface. Fine! There is a wealth of information on the web and elsewhere on the subject of health and fitness and I do hope that you continue to seek out that knowledge and understanding. This holds true whether you choose to obtain it from me or another source. But if you have enjoyed this article, and especially if you try this program and gets result from it, please consider visiting my Website for more health related e-books. I thank you for your attention and trust that your health and well-being will grow from this day forward!

Frigidity a growing sexual health concern among women

Having female sexual dysfunction can be bothersome, a terrible condition similar to erectile

dysfunction in men. Inadequate sexual function in women can be a complex problem that can have

many different causes. An estimated 40% of women suffer from sexual dysfunction, and might be

caused by any physical illness, or may be linked to psychological factors. This condition mainly

affects a woman's sexual health, and has symptoms including lack of sexual desire, inability to

enjoy sex, insufficient vaginal lubrication, and even failure to have an orgasm.

Also known as Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD), this condition still makes women

psychologically desire for sex, but their genital area fails to respond normally, making it

painful or impossible to have sex. When men and women normally get aroused, their genitals become

engorged with blood. For women, this results in the enlargement of the clitoris and surrounding

tissues (comparable to a male erection), secretion of vaginal lubrication, and relaxation and

widening of the vaginal opening for intercourse.

A woman's sexual health is affected by a number of other health conditions. In this case, FSAD

can result from an underlying medical condition such as high blood pressure or diabetes. This can

also be caused by certain irritations, infections, and growth in the vaginal area. It can also be

a negative physiological reaction to certain birth control methods. This condition may also be

caused by medications used to treat high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, depression, anxiety, or

cancer. Another reason may be due to a combination of physical, hormonal, or emotional changes

that occur during or after pregnancy, or while breast feeding. In addition, FSAD can also be

linked to several psychological causes including depression, poor self-esteem, sexual abuse, fear

of pregnancy, inadequate or ineffective foreplay, feelings of shame or guilt about sex, or stress

and fatigue.

For treatment of FSAD, on going research has suggested that the use of Viagra for treating sexual

disorders in women helps increase blood flow, thereby increasing physical stimulation in the

genital area. However, researchers are still waiting for evidence that Viagra could actually work

on women. For now, physicians concentrate on eliminating medications that might have a negative

impact on a woman's sexual health. Doctors also review the effects of certain contraceptive

methods that can be a possible factor for FSAD.

For women who suffer from vaginal dryness, it is recommended for them to use lubricants before

having sexual intercourse in order to prevent pain. On the other hand, some physicians recommend

women to practice Kegel Exercises, a form of exercise that helps in developing the muscles around

the outer part of the vagina. These muscles are involved in the production of pleasurable

sensations. Adding to this, psychological counseling can also play an integral role in treating

women with sexual problems, including FSAD. Coaching in sexual foreplay as well as stimulation

techniques can also contribute to the wellness of a woman who suffers from FSAD.

Upon knowing all these, women can now become more aware of this sexual health condition that

might be experienced by many, but is often misunderstood. Consulting one's physician may be the

best way to know more about FSAD. Constant check-up sessions with the physician or gynecologist

will also help women prevent or address such a frustrating sexual condition.

Fitness fixes anywhere on vacation

When you ask what one word would be a best synonym for vacation, almost everyone would say "break." Vacation is a break from your daily routine. It is a change of scenery for those household wives and moms who spend their days planning family meals, scrubbing pots and pans and doing the laundry. It is time off for the working dad � no more conference meetings to attend to, no more reports to finish before the deadline, no more wearing neckties and carrying heavy business folders and attaché cases. It is that much awaited summer trip of the youngsters who have longed for days when they can just play and play not thinking about homework and school projects.

Vacation thus is a chance to break away from your routine, your monotonous schedule. But then again, all of these breaching should not include your basic indispensable activities like eating three meals a day, brushing your teeth, taking a bath, getting enough sleep and regular exercise. Among these vital activities, more often than likely the last one is usually disregarded when people are on vacation. It seems like exercise is no longer part of the scheme when you are supposed to be having fun during vacation. No more time is usually the big excuse. Wrong. You can always stick to your workouts wherever you may be. Here are a few suggestions for you to squeeze in toning time even when you're on that break.

While waiting for your boarding time in the airport, go for a stroll. Yes, walk and work out those legs and feet. Your promenade will not only tone your leg muscles but it will also keep you from being bored from waiting and perhaps distract you from munching on unnecessary desserts and treats from the nearby snack bar. More walking while on vacation � while sightseeing, you might consider striding around town instead of taking the shuttle bus. This way you get to get the most out of your sightings, see things up close and feel the rush of strolling and managing your tour your own way. When riding the bus you only get to peek at some places, your own pace affords you to stop and maybe even take a picture in between. If you do not like walking, choose to go biking. As compared to walking, a bike allows you to reach places faster. You are able to exercise your muscles and you are conserving energy too; healthy for you and for the environment.

Having your vacation in the beach is perfect for getting that tan and working out too. Take a good run or walk on the beach and breathe in that fresh salty air. Have fun and start a game of beach volleyball or Frisbee with your friends. All those catching and volleying will definitely break you in a sweat and with the heat of the sun you also get to have a great tan. Swimming is surely a great workout. So is surfing, kayaking or white water rafting, if you are feeling more athletic and adventurous. These are great upper and lower body workouts. By nighttime, go ahead and indulge yourself in that beach party. An hour of dancing and grooving to the music will surely burn those fats and even those margaritas that you just had a dose of.

Journaling with bad handwriting

If you are like me, you’d much rather type than write. I have never really liked my handwriting and I’m not fond of my printing either.

However our handwriting is a part of us. And if we are creating a scrapbook either for ourselves or for someone else, it’s nice to include something written by us, sharing that part of ourselves with the recipient of our scrapbook.

I have discovered a few ways to write and/or journal without pages of writing we don’t care for.

The first technique is called “hidden journaling”. This involves writing but then “hiding” what you write. Most craft stores sell small inserts for scrapbooks. These inserts resemble a page protector, but are usually half the size. You can write to your hearts content and then tuck it away inside the insert. This way, the journaling/writing is included, but it’s not what our eyes focus on when looking at a page.

The next technique for including your writing is to write in the front of the book either the theme for the book, or who the book is to, or even the date/year the book was created. This again, shows your writing style for that time in your life without having your writing all over the scrapbook pages.

The final technique for including your bad handwriting” is to be very selective and only add a letter or number here or there. For example, if you are making an album in chronological order, consider writing the year on some of the pages. Or if your album is of various people, consider writing just one letter, the first letter of the persons name on that page.

Try these techniques to incorporate your handwriting into your scrapbook albums.

Monday, September 26, 2016


If you are like me, you may wonder if you are doing enough for your kids before they enter school. Even after they start, you are aware that you have to be able to help them learn. Children are getting more and more homework than ever before, and that means parents have to know what to do. I am not a good teacher, as I don’t have the patience for it, but I do know I have to do something. This is why I was so happy when my mom suggested I try to use flash cards to help my daughter learn.

Flash cards can have anything you want on them. If you are dealing with a very young child, you want to teach them very simple things. You can have flash cards with colors on them, or perhaps parts of the body. Toddlers will do well learning colors this way, and they will also like to learn about their body parts by viewing them on a card and then pointing to them on your body and then on themselves. You don’t have to do this for long periods, as ten minute sessions a few times a week can do wonders for them.

As they get older, you can put more complicated things on your flash cards. Most children start out with the alphabet. This can take a while, but having them on the cards can help them learn to say the letters in order. After that, you can then have flash cards with little pictures next to the letters. You might have an apple next to A, for example, to teach them the sound of the letter. Help them make the sounds as they go, but don’t do to many at once. Let them master a few and them move on to a few more.

After a while they may also be able to learn some things from flash cards that will help them with math. The numbers are obvious choices to begin with, but you can go on to simple addition and subtraction after that. I know that when it comes to math, I have a hard time with it. We probably won’t go much further than simply math on flash cards between the two of us. When it comes to help with higher types of math when my daughter is in high school, my husband already knows it is all up to him.

Fast cars sports cars british performance

At the end of World War II there was a surge of high performance, fast and sporty cars that began to emerge. The soldiers who were returning home from war were instantly attracted to these fast sports cars, many which were exported by Britain. At that time the British were building high quality sports cars at a price many could afford. The British sports cars were superbly engineered and quickly began taking the sports car world by storm. Their sleek and sporty design made them highly desirable.

The fast and sporty British cars began to really take off when the Triumph came out with the TR2 in 1953. At the time Triumph produced some of the most sought after cars in the world. The United States fell in love with it and soon began seeking other British sports cars.

Taking A Look At The Cars

The Jaguar is probably the most popular fast, sport car the British offer. Many people see the Jaguar as the top of the line automobile. The brand new Portfolio which is being unveiled in March 2007 brags of a speed of 155 mph and can reach 60 mph in only 4.9 seconds. The Portfolio features a 4.2 liter engine and the car will be offered worldwide.

BMW is also offering a new coupe and convertible in their 3 series. These are supposed to be the most appealing BMW fast and sporty cars to date. These come with aerodynamic styling and lower suspension which offers a sportier look and ride. These sport modes are offered in Silver, Black, Blue, Graphite, White, and Red.

Aston Martin is announcing improvements to their famous Vanquish S. This automobile is famous for its luxury and unique style. It was also made famous by James Bond in the movie “Die Another Day”. The Vanquish S Ultimate Edition will showcase many of the features of the Vanquish s that many Britons love. With only 40 being built, these cars will be offered as a limited edition and predictions say they will all be sold in only a few weeks.

This edition will be produced in Ultimate Black and this will be the only car available in this color. The interior will be trimmed in leather and stylish black chrome. It will offer a top speed of 200 mph. This car is the result of customer research and request and contains the features most sought after by the public. It comes with a high price tag but will be considered an investment since the car will likely maintain or increase in value.

Anxious are we

The dictionary defines anxiety as distress of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune. It is also described as a state of apprehension and psychic tension occurring in some forms of mental disorder. It is usually described as the feeling of uneasiness caused by anticipation of future events, be it planned or otherwise.

Everybody, at one point in their lives, has experienced some form of anxiety. Common events like an upcoming exam or thesis presentation; or when a loved one gets sick; or when you go to unfamiliar places --- all these may cause you to feel fidgety and worried. However, extreme distress over the littlest things may be considered as a disorder and needs to be treated. Other symptoms of anxiety can include palpitations; shortness of breath; sweating; trembling; sense of choking; chest pain; nausea or stomach upsets; dizziness; numbness or tingling; and chills or hot flashes.

So what causes anxiety disorders? Scientists attribute it to a lot of factors, four of which are genetics, personality, brain chemistry, and environmental factors. Researchers theorize that family history contributes to a high likelihood of someone developing an anxiety disorder. If one was brought up around a household of worriers, the chances of a person growing up to be a worrier too will be very high. Personality plays a big part as well. People who have low self-regard and have poor coping skills are also likely to develop anxiety disorders.

Anxiety disorders are associated with high levels of brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters, in the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that transmit impulses. An imbalance on certain neurotransmitters may alter the way the mind would react to different situations, leading to anxiety.

Any form of trauma or stressful situations such as abuse, accidents, or death may lead to anxiety disorders. Stress and anxiety go hand in hand. Anxiety levels heighten with constant exposure to extreme stress. Also, the constant use or sudden withdrawal from addictive substances like alcohol, caffeine and nicotine may also worsen anxiety.

Oftentimes, worrying too much leads to anxiety panic attacks. These are surges of overwhelming fear that come out of nowhere and for no apparent reason. It affects not only the way the brain functions, but it also triggers changes in our body's major glands. The glands produce different kinds of stimulants and hormones double-time, flooding body cells simultaneously, causing the sufferer to feel the need to either run, get out, or hide. This is far worse than the regular anxiety that people feel when they're stressed out as this is based on irrational fear.

Stress management may help prevent anxiety disorders from developing. One good way to manage stress is to improve your lifestyle. Get adequate amount of sleep, making sure that the body is well-rested after a full day's work. Intake of stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine containing products should be decreased as they would not help alleviate your stress, and may even aggravate your condition. Performing relaxation exercises will also help you during stressful times as it will relieve tense muscles. Last but not the least, don't forget to take a breather. Relax. Anxiety is our body's natural reaction to stress. It's up to us if we let it take over our lives. To keep it short and simple, when you're feeling anxious – stop, take a deep breath, count to ten, and relax.

Knol - wikipedia s rival

There’s a new kid on the online block named Knol and even this early in the development stage, some people are already predicting that it could bring about yet another significant change to the way we share information on the Internet.

Knol is a new Web service being developed by Google that is meant to serve as a virtual storehouse of knowledge on the Internet. With content being contributed by various experts on different topics, it will behave much in the same way that Wikipedia does currently. In fact many industry experts have made the suggestion that Knol is set to become a direct competitor to Wikipedia and other similar types of web sites.

Google is of course the go to web site as far as search engines go, being the most popular search engine web site today by far. If Knol is as successful in drawing a widespread following as the developers hope, it could bring about the Google’s transition from a search engine into a company that creates and publishes Web content.

Some industry observers warn that one problem that could potentially arise is that Google’s objectivity in presenting search results could be compromised.

Knol–the name of which is derived from the word “knowledge”–is being developed to allow people to create Web pages on virtually any topic. When completed, it will include several features that will allow its users the ability to perform a number of tasks, such as submitting comments, rating individual web pages and suggesting changes.

We mentioned earlier in this article that Knol has been compared to Wikipedia by many industry analysts. While there are in fact many similarities between the two web services, the main difference is that Wikipedia allows virtually anyone to edit an entry while Knol only allows the author of each particular “knol,”–which is what the individual pages in the service will be called–to do so. This means that the same topics could have many different authors with sometimes contrasting–or even competing–points of view.

Google has stated that the main thrust of the Knol project was to focus attention on authors who have sufficient expertise on particular topics. As vice president for engineering at Google Udi Manber wrote in the Google corporate blog recently, the Internet has evolved largely without the benefit of a standardized means to highlight the author’s name on each web article. He goes on to say that the company believes that knowing who wrote a particular web article what will considerably aid users make better use of the Internet and its various content.

Manber also stated that another important goal of Knol was to cover a wide range of topics, from the various sciences to health concerns to history. Eventually they hope to have Knol become the first stop for research on any topic. Today it is Wikipedia that provides that function and its web pages show up at the top of the results page of Google and many other search engines more often than not.

Some in the industry have suggested that this latest move of Google is driven by the unprecedented growth of web sites that combine knowledge resources such as Wikepedia, and that Google feels the need to have a strong presence in that particular area.

Wikipedia is by no means the only web site that offers that type of service. Many other companies have taken slightly different approaches in functioning as knowledge repositories on various topics on the Internet. These services include Squidoo, Yahoo Answers, About. com and Mahalo.

In spite of the widespread popularity of these services–as well as the existence of many free tools that allow experts and regular people the means by which they can share their knowledge online–Manber said that Google feels that it is still not easy enough for the average user to do those things.

Interestingly, considering all the hype and excitement that is currently surrounding the news of Knol’s existence, Google has refrained from discussing the project any further than these initial details, and have even said that it is still an experimental project at this time. This means that just like many other Google tests that never saw the light of day, Knol could end up never even being released publicly at all.

As for Wikipedia, site founder Jimmy Wales has downplayed his site’s comparison with Knol, saying that while Wikipedia’s goal is utmost objectivity in its content, with each individual article being the sum total of the collective knowledge of its various authors, Knol’s model will likely result in highly opinionated and possible even contradictory articles on even the simplest of topics.

Another important distinction is that Wikipedia is a strictly non profit web site that does not carry any type of advertising, while Knol is a decidedly more commercial venture, with its content authors earning revenue from any Google ads on their site.


What is Fishing Bait?

There is such an assortment of bait that it is difficult to recommend any particular color, size, or type as the best. There are more than a thousand good baits on the market. All will catch fish at some time or another.

Fishing baits usually weigh from ј to an ounce to three ounces. The most popular weight preferred by the majority of bait casters is the 5/8-ounce bait, while the average is between Ѕ and 3 quarters of an ounce. Baits can either be used as a whole or cut into chunks. Anglers can also use dead or live baits.

The Different Types of Bait

There is a wide array of organisms being used as fishing baits. Among the different types used in fishing, the commonly used are the small fishes. These consist of widely used fishing baits such as herring, anchovies, menhaden, and some others that are inborn to certain local waters. Larger fishes are usually used as chunk baits.

Fishing baits can be used whole, chunk, and strips, based on the activities of the type of fishes being chased. The size of the fishing bait is usually well matched with the size of the fish being hunted. Other common organisms used for bait fishing are crabs, worms, shrimps, crabs, clams, sand fleas, eels, and squid. Among all of the organisms mentioned, the crabs and the shrimps are the well-liked organisms to be used as fishing baits.

Shrimp are favorably used as fishing bait and are considered to be very valuable bait for a huge number of saltwater fish, especially those that are considered “inshore fish” like redfish, speckled trout, shook, and a lot more.

Whereas, various crab species, especially the fiddler crab, sand flea, and the blue crab, are perfect fishing baits for many varieties of “inshore fishes” and “bottom fish.” These crabs are usually clasped through their shell, usually on either the right or left of the head.

How to Acquire Fishing Bait?

Fishermen can acquire fishing bait either buying them in bait shops or simply by capturing it themselves.

The advantage of buying fishing bait is convenience, while catching live fishing bait is less expensive and can be more effective in luring fish. Digging for earthworms is another activity. Earthworms make an excellent bait.

Indeed, when it comes to bait fishing, using the proper fishing bait are important and imperative to the success of fishing. Hence, anglers should know the basics of choosing fishing baits in order to save time and money.

Buying the perfect wedding invitations

Wedding invitations are one of the most important considerations that the bride and groom must make. Wedding invitations give guests all of the information they need in order to make plans to attend the wedding. Without these, there will be no guests.

There are several places to purchase wedding invitations. Many other wedding vendors will also sell wedding invitations as a courtesy to their customers. This may sound appealing because it is one-stop shopping, but it may cost a lot more than the bride and groom have budgeted. Instead, the bride and groom should look through the invitation books and choose what they feel is right for them. Then, they should take that knowledge and look on the Internet for the same wedding invitations or something comparable. These will likely be much less expensive for the exact same product.

When purchasing wedding invitations online, it is essential that the bride and groom have their wedding invitation wording decided and spelled correctly. Examples of popular wedding invitation wording are available on most web sites that sell wedding invitations. The bride and groom may choose one of these or write their own. Either way, it is important for the bride and groom to make sure that all of the information is correct and spelled correctly. The bride and groom should choose wedding invitations that convey the theme of their wedding whether it is simple colours or a beach theme wedding. This will give guests an idea of how formal the occasion will be and how to dress appropriately.

It is customary to send out the wedding invitations roughly six to eight weeks prior to the wedding. This is early enough to give guests that chance to save the date for the wedding, but also to give the guests time to respond and the bride and groom the time to finish their planning. They must set a date for the guests to respond by in order to have a complete headcount for their wedding.

The bride and groom will need to decide whether or not to include the reply information on the wedding invitations or to include a reply card with the invitation. These are all important considerations when purchasing the wedding invitations online.

These wedding invitations will give all of the guests the information they need to attend the wedding. This makes it imperative that the bride and groom give this aspect of their wedding planning the necessary attention. Luckily, it is one of the easier planning tasks, but must be done correctly.

Purchasing wedding invitations online is a wonderful way to save money while still sending guests the same quality invitations that can be purchased through other vendors. Wedding planning is stressful but fun, and the wedding invitations are no exception!

Need an idea for an e-book

You’ve probably heard about e-books—they’re everywhere on the Internet, and it seems like everyone is writing them. You’ve probably even thought about writing one yourself. But, what to write about? You need some e-book ideas.

First, e-books are electronic books that are downloaded and saved onto your computer. Some e-books must be purchased, and some are even free. You can read them directly from your computer, or print them out to read at any time. The intriguing thing about e-books is that you can cut out most all of the middle men (agents, publishers, wholesalers) and take care of all the work yourself (writing, editing, formatting, copywriting, and selling). E-books are a great idea for those of you who want to be more independent in your success. Plus, by using e-books, your success can come much quicker than with a traditional print book.

Now that that’s cleared up, let’s start thinking about some e-book ideas.

You may already know what you want to write about—great! But make sure it’s a topic that people are going to be interested in reading. Otherwise, don’t expect big sales. Whether you know what you want to write about or you simply know you want to write, when thinking about good, profitable e-book ideas, check to see if your topic is one that is in demand. A couple of good tools for this in Online Gold Finder (http://inovatrek. lightsped. hop. clickbank. net) and NicheTopics (http://inovatrek.5millbucks. hop. clickbank. net).

When thinking about e-book ideas, remember to also consider your knowledge of the topics. The phrase “write what you know” applies to e-book ideas just as it applies to all writing. Write about something you know a good deal about and about something that people want to know a good deal about. See the connection? Also, do a little research as to how much information already exists on your topic. If you know a good deal about both the circus and underwater basket weaving, and find that there is a demand for information on both topics, look around to see which topic already has the most information out there. If there are a 100 e-books already in circulation about the circus, but only 8 about underwater basket weaving, consider underwater basket weaving as one of your e-book ideas. There is both an interest and a demand.

Buick giving the brand meaning

During the 1980s, Buick was a brand that successfully straddled the fine line between luxury and performance. This GM division sold big, fluffy Park Avenues and LeSabres, while also selling the luxury/sport Riviera and the Regal. It was this last model, the Regal, which stunned the automotive world by winning Grand National awards during the early 1980s. Today, all four models have been terminated in favor of newer names including the Lucerne, LaCrosse, Terrazza, Rainier, and Rendezvous, models that didn’t even exist five years ago. Where is Buick headed? Will GM’s troubles finally kill off the brand? Will the Buick name ever regain meaning? A lot is riding on these questions; the answers may not be as simple to utter or imagine.

GM’s woes could spell Buick’s demise. At least that is the thought with some “experts” who believe that at least two brands need to be pruned from the GM line up to save the automaker. General Motors, for their part, has said that they will stick with all of their brands; instead, the company is using this crucial time to put into place a long and painful process to remake its entire image. With plant closings, layoffs, and big losses racking up, the world’s #1 automaker cannot afford a misstep, so whatever plans the automaker has for the company must be executed flawlessly, otherwise further trouble will ensue.

Buick and Pontiac have often been cited as the two divisions being the most at risk. Neither division has a clear identity with every model built by the brands similar to models built by other GM makes. This hasn’t escaped the notice of critics who have called on GM to begin dissolving the two divisions immediately.

If GM’s words hold true, then Buick will stay around. In what particular form is the question, but the “general” has been giving us some hints in the form of the present model line up as well as at least one future model planned.

Currently, the Lucerne is being heavily marketed as it takes over the flagship role from the Park Avenue a model along with the LeSabre the Lucerne has replaced. Based on the Cadillac DTS, the car combines luxury with value to offer motorists a taste of Cadillac lavishness at a discount. Therein is the rub: is Buick underselling Cadillac or is the Lucerne simply perceived as being all that different from its up market sibling? That is hard to determine. Regardless, the Lucerne is bit more refined and less dowdy than the models it replaces. It isn’t likely to captivate young folks, but probably will be more than able to keep current owners satisfied.

The LaCrosse has been well received and it, too, has replaced two Buick models when it was rolled last year: the Century and the Regal. Still, the car is based on older GM technology and competes only marginally with new models from Lexus and Toyota. Fresh styling has helped and will keep Buick faithful happy at least for the time being, but the LaCrosse hasn’t won over many competitors either.

Buick’s three remaining models are all variations on current GM SUV and minivan themes. There is nothing original about these models other than the Buick badge and a higher level of standard equipment than let’s say, the Pontiac Aztek. Oh, yeah, the Rendezvous’ twin, the Aztek, was axed by GM…too ugly!

So, there you have it: five models pared down from almost ten that were offered just a few years ago. None are completely new and none have a distinctly Buick touch to them, making Buick look as if it will, indeed, get whacked.

But that isn’t what GM is saying.

Instead, we know that GM is already planning one new Buick model which, again, may replace two current models [does anyone see a theme here?] The model being planned is an all new crossover vehicle tentatively called the Enclave an AWD crossover vehicle capable of carrying six passengers over its three rows. Yes, the vehicle sounds strangely similar to the Chrysler Pacifica and it appears that the Pacifica is in Buick’s crosshairs with this proposed model. Little is known about the Enclave other than that it will likely be powered by GM’s new 3.6L V6, an engine lauded by car critics.

Beyond the Enclave, Buick will have to bring out newer models to replace the Lucerne and LaCrosse soon after the Enclave’s anticipated 2009 model year release. Buick’s chief competitors are regularly updating their platforms and an aged Lucerne or LaCrosse can only exacerbate the division’s problems. None of this will occur without significant investment by GM and a cash strapped company cannot afford to build new models.

Ian fleming - james bond s creator

Ian Lancaster Fleming (1908-1964), the author of the James Bond 007 novels, was the grandson of a Scottish banker and the son of a Conservative MP (Member of Parliament). His father died in the first world war. In his will, he bequeathed his property to his widow on condition she never remarries.

Ian's youth was inauspicious. He was expelled from Eton following a sexual liaison with a girl. He left Sandhurst without obtaining an officer's rank, having been caught violating the curfew. He continued his education in Kitzbuhel, Austria, in Munich and in Geneva where he studied languages. But the chain of disappointments continued apace. He failed in a Foreign Service exam and had to join Reuters as a journalist. There he successfully covered a spy trial in Russia (1929-32).

He then joined a British investment bank as a stockbroker and moved to live in a converted temple in Belgravia, a fashionable district of London, where he entertained the members of the Le Cercle Gastronomique et des Jeux de Hasard.

In 1939, Fleming took on an assignment for The Times in Moscow - in effect a cover. He was spying for the Foreign Office and later for Naval Intelligence where he attained the rank of Commander.

During the second world war, he worked from room number 39 in the Admiralty building in Whitehall as assistant to Admiral John Godfrey. He was involved in the evacuation of Dieppe in 1940, in the smuggling of King Zog out of Albania and in setting up the Office for Special Services, the precursor of the CIA.

As commander of the 30th Assault Unit, he sometimes operated behind the German lines, trying to secure important documents and files from destruction. But, mostly, he directed the Unit's operations from London.

When the war was over, he built a house - Goldeneye - in Jamaica. He worked for the Kemsley group of papers and vacationed every winter in the island.

While awaiting the divorce of one of his numerous paramours - the pregnant Lady Anne Rothermere - the 44 years old Fleming wrote "Casino Royale" published in 1953. It was the first of 12 James Bond thrillers, translated to 11 languages and with total sales of 18 million copies. James Bond novels are now being authored by a new generation of writers.

In 1961, John F, Kennedy, the newly elected president, listed a James Bond title as one of his favorite books. Many movie plots were loosely based on Fleming's novels and have grossed, in total, more than $1 billion. The 007 trademark was merchandised and attached to everything, from toys and games to clothes and toiletries.

But Fleming was also renowned for his non-fiction: tomes like "The Diamond Smugglers" and his "Atticus" column in The Sunday Times where he served as foreign manager (1945-9). He successfully branched into children's literature with "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" (1964), also made into a movie.

Ironically, his mother died and left him a fortune in 1964 - when Fleming was already wealthy and dying. The trip to her service may have done him in. His son committed suicide in 1975 and his wife died in 1981. He left behind one heir: James Bond.

Cover up the time with instant personal loans

Money is the buzzword these days. All the people seem to talk and trade around with money. It really has become one of the most important things in the lives of people. Even more important than one could imagine at first. That is the reason why loans play a pivotal role now days, and the best loan that an individual can take is that in the form of instant personal loans.

Instant personal loans are loans which are loans offered to people who have money but not enough to cater to their demands or the requirements. The prime feature of this loan is that depending upon the circumstances these loans can be arranged very quickly. This covers up for the need for which the loan is required and also helps in many other areas as well.

Personal loans in themselves are a great help to people, but the instant personal loans provide that something extra to the people which is more advantageous and can be taken to cover for more needs. For example it is usually difficult to get personal loans for the payday loans or the bridging loans, but with instant personal loans these two types of loans can be taken as well.

Many people are not aware of the features of the instant personal loans, the features that they provide are:

• The instant personal loans are available in two forms i. e. secured personal loans and unsecured personal loans. This enables most of the borrowers to subscribe to the loans.

• The loans can be taken for any purpose there is no restriction.

• As the name suggests instant personal loans are available in quick time than the other loans.

• People with bad credit history often feel left out when it comes to loan borrowing, instant personal loans provide them the required loans to cover for the needs. Not only that, it provides them with an opportunity to improve on their credit score which would enable them to get better loan terms next time.

These features are the best that any loan option could provide any of his borrowers. This also would enable you to achieve many benefits, benefits such as low interest rates, low monthly installments and an opportunity to take any amount of loan. So, if you are in line to take a loan and have not made up your mind up regarding which loan to take then instant personal loans is sure to answer many of your questions. So, just estimate your requirements and apply for the loan at any of the business area of the lender and enjoy the benefits.

Facts you should know about bladder infection

Urinary tract infection (UTI) can be in any part of the urinary tract – The urethra, the bladder, the ureters and the kidneys. Of these, the most common infections occur in the bladder. Bladder infections are also known as cystitis, which literally means an inflammation of the bladder.

Risk Factors

Some people are more likely than others to get bladder infections. Women tend to get them more often than men due to their urethra being shorter and closer to the anus. Among the women most likely to get bladder infections are women who are pregnant, going through menopause and using a diaphragm for birth control. Men who have prostate inflammation or enlargement will also be more likely to have bladder infections. Risk factors that apply to both men and women are; kidney stones, sexual intercourse with multiple partners, narrowed urethra, immobility such as recovering from hip fracture, not drinking enough fluids, bowel incontinence and catheterization. Elderly people and people with diabetes are also at higher risk of bladder infections.

Children can also be at risk for bladder infections. They are most common in boys before the first birthday and among uncircumcised boys. Girls are most likely to get bladder infections at around three years old when toilet training is usually in progress. Children under five years old who have bladder infections will need follow-up care to prevent later kidney damage.


The symptoms of a bladder infection are varied. A person can have any or all of them. Young children may have only a fever or no symptoms at all. For adults, the symptoms can include; pressure in the lower pelvis, pain or burning with urination, frequent or urgent need to urinate, need to urinate at night, cloudy urine, blood in the urine, foul or strong urine odor, painful sexual intercourse, penis pain, flank pain, vomiting, fever and chills and mental changes or confusion.


Bacteria entering the urethra cause bladder infections. The bacteria, more often than not, come from the anus. In some children, an abnormality in the anatomy of the urinary tract contributes to frequent infections.


Sometimes, a mild bladder infection will clear up on its own. Antibiotics are usually recommended, though, because there is a risk of the infection spreading to the kidneys. In order to protect their developing kidneys, children should be treated promptly with antibiotics. Elderly people should also be treated with antibiotics as soon as possible. If prompt treatment is not started, there is a greater chance of fatal complications.

There are many antibiotics that can be used to treat a bladder infection. They are: Nitrofurantoin, Cephalosporins, Sulfa drugs, Amoxicillin, Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, Doxycycline and Quinolones.

The last two should not be used in children. Women who are not elderly usually only need three days of antibiotics. No matter how many doses are prescribed, the full course of antibiotics must be taken or the infection could return and be harder to clear up. A severe bladder infection may require hospitalization to re-hydrate and receive antibiotics intravenously.


Bladder infections can usually be prevented. By following these suggestions, bladder infection can be prevented or the frequency reduced. Keep your genital area clean and wipe from front to back. Drink plenty of fluids and avoid fluids that irritate the bladder, like alcohol and caffeine. Drink cranberry juice unless you have a family history of kidney stones. Wear cotton or some other breathable cloth underwear. Do not douche or use similar feminine hygiene products. Urinate soon after sexual intercourse.


The information presented here should not be taken as medical advice. If you need more information, please consult a qualified physician.

Permission is granted to reprint this article as long as no changes are made, and the entire resource box is included.

Ezines with a demographic punch

What is the feel of your ezine? Who will be reading the material? What do they expect?

Every business tends to cater to a specific demographic. Television stations pick a targeted age and cater their programming to the tastes and preferences of that demographic. It is possible other viewers may enjoy the programming, but it’s not always geared to a wide audience, which is probably why we think television has little to offer as we get older.

When you develop your marketing ezine you need to determine the type of individual you are attempting to reach. You should consider whether the primary readership will be men or women. You need to determine the primary age range of the reader and by learning the purchasing habits of these readers you will likely gain some understanding of the type of information they may be looking for.

For Instance

Primary Reader: Women

Primary Age: 25-34

Purchasing Habits: Casual clothing stores, regularly attends the movie theater, enjoys fast food, but doesn’t mind a high-end restaurant from time to time. Enjoys scented lotion and candles.

Once you can begin to understand who will be reading your ezine the more you can customize the ezine to meet the needs of that particular demographic.

There was a time when the prevailing wisdom was to send your material out to a broad audience, but the truth is the growth of online business has made it more important to niche market your product. That means you target a specific type of customer with your ezine.

It is possible to develop more than one ezine for a separate demographic, but you should be careful to determine if a second ezine is needed or if it simply makes more work for you and your staff.

The primary scenario when multiple ezine templates may be beneficial is at the point of sale. If you have a location on the online sales form that indicates an age range for the customer you can use an autoresponder to send out an ezine that is directly related to the age group and gender of the buyer. This approach is still niche marketing in the midst of a broad range of customer ages.

You may not want to develop a separate initial introductory ezine for each age range, but it can be an effective way to connect with an already motivated consumer – post-purchase. This approach can be a sign of positive customer service in the details of follow through.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Pool tables fun for all the family

Having your own pool table at home can be a very rewarding step for any homeowner. The pool table, along with your favorite pool accessories, will not only help you unwind, but it will also provide quality entertainment for your guests. Instead of going to a local bar or pub you can invite people at home for drinks and a game of pools. For your home use you can pick any table you like, even an antique Brunswick pool table which you will rarely see in a bar. And of course you can always use your own pool table to perfect your pool skills.

The first step to enjoying your own pool table would begin with creating a specific room for pools where you can create the perfect ambience for the game. If you don’t have the space for a separate room to house your pool table, you can place the table in the dining room or even in a basement. A little-used shed or garage can also make the perfect pool room, and with a proper lighting and dйcor you can create a pool room for little money.

Pool tables vary in size and design, which allows choosing the right table to suit your lifestyle and the style of your home. The most famous pool table maker, Brunswick, has several collections of pool tables, such as Casual, Classic, European, Antique, or Contemporary. Brunswick pool tables can also be custom-made in a variety of finishes.

Many people today opt for antique Brunswick pool tables, which add a stunning retro accent to any home. Brunswick has manufactured pool tables for over a hundred years, and many of their pool tables now reside in homes, museums and collections all over the world. Over 130 different Brunswick pool table models have been handed down through generations with only slight changes in wood, finish, inlay and detailing.

The value of antique Brunswick pool tables varies greatly, since every antique pool table, especially if it is made of exquisite wood and features elaborate decorative details, depends greatly on the market. Many auction houses sell antique pool tables, like any antique painting, piece of furniture, collectible automobiles or any other collectable item.

In addition to the pool table made by a reliable manufacturer, you can equip your pool room with stylish pool-related furniture and accessories such as cue racks, cues, lights, bar stools, antique-looking posters, signs and chalkboards – anything you have seen in the pub or bar around the pool table.

To keep your table in mint condition you should take good care of it. Pool balls should be regularly cleansed with a soft dry cloth. The cloth can be cleaned with dry fabric cleaner in a spray or powder form.

In a modern fast-paced world it can be hard to find time for family activities. Properly decorated, a pool room with a beautiful new or antique pool table will soon become a social center and an entertainment room for everyone in your family no matter what the weather outside is doing. You can spend more quality time with your family and friends, since playing Pools is a great way for your guests to mingle and relax. Pools’ is a classic game and a stylish and well-coordinated pool room will enhance the value of your property.